Friday, April 22, 2011

Status Report 003/2011

This should have been mentioned in a previous post. Jacoby (all things electronic/vox) has set up a Bandcamp page for Makua. It can be found here . It should be mentioned that this is one of the very few places left to get the demo since all of them have gone out for trade/distro. This is also the only way to hear Makua in it's original two dudes and a drummachine form.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

In Brilliant Colours

Old design, first design actually, revamped for these modern times.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Status Report 002/2011

Our first show of the year, as well as our first show as a four piece came and went. Things learned from that show:

  1. We NEED a new bass amp ASAP!

  2. We NEED an amp strictly for samples. Our samples were a garbled mess coming out of the PA system.

  3. I shouldn't touch microphone stands when Corby is playing saxaphone.

  4. etc.....

Technical difficulties aside the show went pretty well, and i actually enjoyed myself and more or less watched every band that was playing which is something i haven't done in a very, very long time. The venue, Asterisk, was a cool spot and very welcoming. Too bad that it can't become a legitamet showspace due to the fact that it is a "residence". The No Suck Fest collective keep a tight ship. Selling merch to raise money and to make sure bands don't go over their allotted. Although the rule seemed to lax a bit when the dance floor was to full capacity. What was surprising was that there wasn't any sort of bullshit going on, especially considering that the event was b.y.o.b. No fights. Nothing broken (that i know of) this being a major point as there is a giant paper-mache shark and a giant paper-mache octopus hanging precariously over everyone's heads. So yea...

It's been agreed by the four of us that we will be practicing at least once a month which is something that hasn't been done since the very beginning of Makua. Hopefully (more shows &) new songs with everyone's input will be coming soon.

End of status report.