The show as stated in the "flyer" posted above, is a fundraiser for No Suck Fest 3. A little backstory to NSF. It started 3 years ago and this is the first year that the organizers are trying their damndest and doing their best to bring down not one, not two, but three bands from the mainland to play this (what is now to be a) two day festival.
We were supposed to play last year's event but things didn't go as planned scheduling wise. This time (if we are asked) we're playing it for sure. All the people involved with organizing the event is totally upfront on the ball and fair minded. Every band is going to be treated equally, as we all should, and there will be no room for any sort of "rock 'n' roll" bullshit from bands. That is so refreshing especially considering how things are run by certain parties and it's about time. cos' frankly, i'm SICK of being told to cut sets, play at a different times and be treated with general indifference all because we were just two guys and a drummachine composing the band. i know, most people don't get it and that's fine, but fuck... just cos' yr feeble brain can't comprehend that two dudes w/a drummachine are going full tilt doesn't mean you should cut our set by twenty miuntes when we were promised twenty- five. that aside, i really don't see us playing for any of these wheeling and dealing "promoters" anytime soon or ever again. those fuckers can eat a dick as far as i am concerned. stick to booking yr fucking bar bands.sorry to be so crass, but, that's the breaks, man. i'm so glad in knowing that's not how the NSF kids want to work.
With all this being said the show on april 9th will be the first we will be playing as a four piece. no, we don't have a drummer, and NO we don't have a guitar player. we've enlisted Corby/SoNails as full time saxamaphone skronk and (maybe some) synth/noise stuff too. he used to be in the short lived combo Klactoveedsedstene. rounding Makua out to a quartet is our good friend Jacoby. we got to know him since the IRON LUNG shows. he's the composer responsible for the Boutonniere, and is co- host of the podcast "Keep This Frequency Clear". which i suggest you check out. he'll be taking over most of the programming duties for whatever new songs that will be coming and will be doing some synth stuff as well. we'll still sound the same, just a little more nuanced. maybe more proggy, i don't know. hell, who knows. shit, maybe more Krautrock. i can't say.
We're pretty excited to be playing this show at ASTERISK. we've wanted to play there for a long time and now finally we have the oppurtunity to.
Go to any and all of the fundraisers being held by No Suck Fest if you can. the money is being put to use to bring down bands from the mainland and to help put on a truly DIY event (something that seems to be a lost art here in this scene).
For directions there are a couple of ways of finding out. 1)contact the No Suck Fest folks through there fb page 2)you can e- mail them at nosuckfest2011[at]gmail[dot]com 3)contact us via the e-mail listed or message us at our fb page .
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