Friday, December 31, 2010

Semen in the Eye Socket of the Year 2010.

Srsly, fuck this year in the eye! i will not go into the shitty stuff that happened (there was quite a bit), and leave it at that.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Freak Power

This one sided 12" compilation came out last year and it is finally making it to these shores in greater numbers. Fuck Yoga out of Macedonia put this comp together. We were pretty shocked when we got asked to be a part of this, especially considering the bands that were to also appear on it (Hatred Surge, Iron Lung, Apartment 213 to name a few). Also included is a neat quater sized zine full of interviews w/The Endless Blockade, Burmese, Apt.213 and some write up about Horror and Cult movies. 500 of these bad boys were made. 400 on black vinyl and 100 on red vinyl. You can get these from either Fuck Yoga if yr in Europe or if you live in 'merica you can get yr's from Give Praise ,there might be other distros that are carrying this record, but these are the two that i KNOW are carrying it.

I wish our song on the compilation was better in the sound quality department. It was recorded very crudely using a Fostex 4-track that could only record on track at a time and a 4 channel pa mixer. At the time the bass guitars intonation (or whatever) wasn't adjusted to accomodate the low tuning used for our songs, so there is that slack feel to the strings diminshing the power. Well, to me at least.

Small Doses

100 bands all on one handy dandy compilation. Brings back fond memories of Slap- A- Hams "Blllleeeeaaaaarrrrrggggguuuuhhh" comps. Andy/Mortville was gracious enough to ask us to be a part of this massive undertaking that spans countries across the world, by suggestion of our Kanaka in Canada Paul/Wadge. To both of them we bow our heads in gratitude. This was a multi lable labour of love and it shines through in it's layout and execution. Very classy with the die- cut outer sleeve to the Carcass inspired booklet cover art work. With us being on this compilation we've achieved two things: appeared on a release with both Agathocles, and Godstomper. This saves us the embarassment of asking them to do splits with us. If you want a copy, which i'm sure you do, they are $6ppd from Mortville .Bands range from 7 Minutes of Nausea to Parlamentarisk Sodomi to Teenage Desires to Rupture. There's 100 bands on this bad boy yr bound to like a bunch of'em.

P.S. if you want to read a song by song by song review of the compilation check it out at the Sorethroat,Nausea & Headache blog. massive props for the enormous undertaking.

Friday, December 24, 2010

If you want a demo

There are copies still available. Some from the original batch made earlier this year that was limited to 50 copies. There are also 25 copies of a second batch specifically made for our shows with IRON LUNG this past october. These 25 are on regular 5" cdr's as opposed to the 3" "manini" cdr's that comprise the batch of 50, and are hand numbered as well. Both demos contain different artwork, and stickers. If you want one paypal $3 to and we'll get one to you as soon as possible.

P.S. Actually i think there are some 3" versions still available from Give Praise ,or To Live A Lie.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Skinny Redux

No more 2 Face 4 on the bill. They had to cancel. Taking their place is The Substitoots . The rest of the bill which still includes Dicks of Doom ,Laverne & Shirley, and us.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Or If You Prefer

Yes, yes... two flyer designs (there is a third design created by Corby/SoNails ) for the same show. This one will be made into a physical copy, i think. The art will be saved for another time.

Sunday, December 5, 2010